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HRC51: Denmark condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demands accountability

UN Human Rights Council, 
Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
Statement by Denmark
Delivered by the Permanent Representative of Denmark

Denmark aligns itself with the statement by the EU. 
We reiterate our condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the unprovoked, unjustified and illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. 
It is imperative that all perpetrators of violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law be held to account. Justice for victims is the foundation for future peace and reconciliation and for the prevention of further atrocities. 
Denmark will continue to work tirelessly towards accountability, and to support the efforts of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine. Together with other UN Member States, Denmark co-founded the Group of Friends for ‘Accountability following the Aggression against Ukraine’. A forum for UN Member States to promote synergies between the various measures initiated to ensure accountability for crimes committed in Ukraine. We encourage continued efforts to investigate all alleged abuses and violations of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law in the context of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine. 
How can Member States best support accountability efforts here and now? 
Thank you.